Thursday, July 30, 2015

10 Ways To Make More Time For Art.

  Finding time for art can be hard. Here is a list of 10 ways you can find more time for art!

1. Set Deadlines and Due Dates
     Setting goals and deadlines is crucial for making sure you set aside even a small amount of time dedicated to art. It could be a goal of everyday do something whether it's working on that pencil drawing you've been trying to finish for weeks or doing a small doodle on a napkin while out at the bar with friends. Whatever your goals are make sure you stick to them!! 

2. Cut out watching T.V.
Ever since I cut TV out of my life I have been so much more productive and in turn, HAPPY! I feel more accomplished and I couldn't believe how much time I wasted getting sucked into brainwashing shows. If you can't seem to completely ditch the screen, set limits on how long you can watch or only turn on the TV to watch the shows you actually like. NO MORE CHANNEL SURFING! How much art time would you have if you cut TV out of your to do list?

3. Get OFF your phone!
Similar to cutting our TV is the ever more important....getting off you phone. Today's society is so motivated by social media and using phones to communicate. Using your phone while in a waiting office or as a passenger in a long car ride is one thing; Laying in bed or on the couch for hours just mindlessly on your phone is something that happens much too often. Just being aware of the amount of time you are on our phone can help. If you plan to be on your phone to play a game look a the time you start and end and realizing how much time you wasted might help so next time you choose to use that time better.

4.  Meditate - Take 5
             Meditation is very important to me and I it is one of my best tools for finding time for things. That might seem backwards...."How can I find time for things by spending time doing something else?" Well here is the secret: Meditating and allowing your mind and body to take a breath or two from all the overwhelming thoughts and stimulus that it receives each day allows you to "slow down time". Meditating for even five minutes can help center you and by ridding yourself of pointless thoughts...I PROMISE it will be easier to find time for more art.

5. Dress like an artist - Feel like an artist
Now this doesn't mean you have to shave the side of your head or wear crazy vintage clothing. Dressing like an artist is helpful because if you feel inspired by your confidence you will have a higher WANT to make time instead of guilt yourself into making time. This can also help with the quality of work you produce. Feel Good Art Good. So if you have a certain sweater that makes so you to write or a favorite pair of sneakers that remind you of learning watercolors.....Flaunt it!

6. Carry a notebook or sketchbook
I have always carried some sort of notepad or mini sketchbook with me. you never know when you get 15 minutes and can create a sketch that inspires a new piece! By making sure you always have something to write or draw on you will be so surprised at all the extra time you have in a day for some art making!

7. Make Lists
I am an avid list maker. I make lists for my lists! But what is really great about making lists for your art ideas is that sometimes you might get into your art space and have been successful at creating time for art but can't think of what to make! If you can refer to a list you will ensure that no precious art time be wasted!

8. Surround yourself with people who support you.
This is a harder one to achieve instantly. But take a look at the people who you surround yourself with. Do they encourage your art? If you told them you wanted to take time away from them to do art how would they react? If the answer involves you making time for art (which I assume is something you love) then CONGRATS! If the answer is anything else you might want to reevaluate why they are in your life. Surround yourself with those who help you be the best you can be and the happiest you can be!

9. Wake up and Before Sleep.
If I step back and look at the times in my day where I waste the most time it is in the morning and right before bed. This is ironic because those are also the times when I feel I can produce my best work or even ideas. Do you agree with this for your own life? I think most people would agree. With that said try and pick either the morning or night where you specifically set aside time for art. Try to fit extra time in your day for things then verses in the middle of the day might be easier and more consistent in reaching goals!

Make sure that whatever you are doing or creating that you are enjoying it as well. What is so awesome about being an artist is that creating is such a fulfilling task. We are so lucky to be able to do something we love and enjoy and if what you are making ever takes away from that then you will not WANT to make time. Making sure you have fun with art is one of the best ways to motivate you to make time!

Well there you have it, 10 ways to make more time for art! 
What are some of the ways you make more time for art and is there anything in my list that you already use?
Let me hear some of your thoughts!

Until Tomorrow - Dream Away
Samantha Menzo


Finding Time for Art.

    Hello! Last night I unfortunately wrote out an entire blog and then when I went to post it and the whole blog deleted!! I was so upset. I stayed up just to make sure I could get one out and I couldn't stay up anymore. So here we are. What should we talk about today? 

                                              TIME TIME WHOSE GOT THE TIME!?!?!

Yesterday I had such a busy day. I had my first day back at work after being off for almost 2 weeks. After that I spend a few hours in a car dealership with my grandmother and father and I took home a new 2015 Ford Escape (which I named Ruby for her color). By the time I got home I was exhausted and just wanted to curl up in bed and play on my phone or tablet. 

      Instead I decided to hit my studio for at least an hour. Now whenever I plan to do this most of the time one of two things normally happen. I either sit down and end up getting sucked into something for much longer than I planned messing up my schedule for things afterwards, or I sit there trying to start or work on something for only an hour and end up wasting my time and getting nothing done.

         Yesterday neither of those two things happened! It was a great breakthrough with me and my art. As I wrote about in a recent blog I am planning on doing the Ferndale DIY Art Festival. So I have two months or so to come up with a comfortable amount of stock inventory to do well. I think mentality has really effected my work process for the better. Finding time to do art when there is no reason to other then personal satisfaction is much harder for me than when I have due dates and time lines that I need to meet.

        Finding time for art can be hard even if it is something that you want to do. Setting goals and deadlines is crucial for making sure you set aside even a small amount of time dedicated to art. It could be a goal of everyday do something whether it's working on that pencil drawing you've been trying to finish for weeks or doing a small doodle on a napkin while out at the bar with friends. Whatever your goals are make sure you stick to them!! This will make it easier to find time for art.

I am obviously no expert on this subject but I can tell you what has worked and not worked for me. What are some of your problems or struggles with finding time for art? Is it a young baby taking up your time and focus? Is it your strong will to procrastinate or distract yourself with other things? No matter what the excuse for finding time for you and your art I have come up with this list to help you FIND TIME!

I am going to create another post today to make up for yesterday giving you a list of ways to help you find time to make art!

Stay Tuned! - Dream Away!

Samantha Menzo

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Apologies and studio session sneak peaks.

       How do I even begin this blog.  I am sorry sounds like a good start.  I really tried my best to blog while I was away but the area I was in did not allow me to keep my commitment and I feel deeply guilty for breaking a promise so quickly.  All I can say is that I am back and ready to make this the most amazing blog I can! The good thing is there probably isn't even anyone actually reading this yet so hopefully I have only disappointed myself. 


     Anyways I got to get into my studio today after what felt like an eternity. I knocked out a larger oil painting that is abstract.  I needed to feel the paint and hear whatever colors I wanted to on my canvas without too much thought.  It was really freeing and a great warm up to finish another littler piece I've been working on the is below. The Michigan piece is now available on my Etsy shop just click this link to see more. 

      This piece was painted with oil paint around do the border first and then I let it dry. I sketched the Michigan and the tree. I then took a wood burner and burned the design with three different tips. I have only been working with wood burning for around a year now but I really love give g pieces another depth. Also the feel of burner wood, not to mention the smell, is amazing! If you have always wanted to try it but never knew how I highly recommend it. It is very affordable and you can get a starter kit from your local craft store for most likely under 20 dollars. 

   I would really love to hear from someone and know what I can  blogging about is relevant or interesting  to you or not. I would even love to hear suggestions on how to make it better and topics you might like to hear me discuss.  ANYONE OUT THERE!?! well if there is I appreciate you taking the time out to read this. You get a gold star today!  

        Tomorrow I will be more in depth about a topic but I just wanted today to be quick and to the point. I'm sorry I did not blog while I was away and check out some work from today's studio session. 

    Until tomorrow - Dream Away
Samantha Menzo

Monday, July 20, 2015

Thinking about participating in an art fair?

        It's an early night for me tonight as I lay in bed rest for some sleep. I want to make sure I'm really rested to wake up tomorrow and be fully ready for my day ahead, so today might be a shorter blog since I'm feeling the sandman already trying to wisk me away. 

         I have an opportunity at the end of next month to participate in an outdoor art fair that is very DIY friendly, in fact it's encouraged. I have never been apart of an art fair and am apprehensive and motivated at the same time.      

     Being apart of an art fair can be very rewarding if you have a great booth with great products in a great location; so long as it doesn't rain out or have poor attendance. I have always felt that the type of art I produce would sell really well at a fair.

           Any artist thinking about doing a fair needs to take in account that you have to take off work all weekend. So you want to try and make at least as much as you would at your normal job to make it worth it. Also there is normally a booth fee to just be there as an artist and sell work. So if you think your inventory of work can sell more than the time you might take off and to pay off your booth fee then you are off to a great start!

Another thing to think about is the networking opportunities that an art fair provides. So maybe you don't make quite enough to break even for the weekend like you thought. The contacts you made with the other artists or people walking in the fair,  might pay off triple that in the long run! That alone makes a strong agreement to why it's always a great idea to do an art fair if possible. 

            I have been to many art fairs and some I've had some money in my pocket I was willing to spend and other times I have had little to nothing,  but I've always seemed to walk away with at least one item. When setting up inventory for an art fair I think it is extremely important to make sure you have a wide variety of different priced items. If you bring all large and high priced pieces you may bomb because the people walking around only have $20 in their pocket and they want to spend it but can take on your pieces because you only brought your best and most expensive work. So think variety in size and price.

         My current inventory is a decent size and when I get home after this week if I decide to go in on  this fair I will really start turning out some work to make sure I have a sizable stock. Anyone have some pointers they can give me that I haven't already covered? Is anyone thinking about doing their first art fair too but don't know where to start?

                                        Until tomorrow - Dream Away 
                                                 Samantha Menzo 
                                               Cloud Nine Studios

Sunday, July 19, 2015

What does your favorite color say about you?

      We made it! Other then my car breaking and delaying us for hours everything went well!  (wipes brow and shrugs shoulders).  As I sit here finally relaxing after setting up our site, I realized how overwhelmed by pink I am.  My shirt is pink, my chair is pink, my shorts are pink, my cup is pink and my bag is pink!


         It got me thinking about how many times my favorite color has changed.  My favorite color currently is pink (if you didn't get that) but it hasn't always been that way.  In fact I use to hatey the color! I have gone through so many phases as I am sure most people do.  But how can someone love orange one year and want nothing to do with it another?

        Why do people feel the need to have a favorite  color away? Studies have proven that colors make you feel differently and can even cause you to think certain ways. Orange triggers hunger and lavender is a naturally calming hue for example. So I think people enjoy identifying themselves with certain colors according to their personalities or phases they might be in their life.

          Another thought is that because of my personality that thrives on change and spontaneity, it may be a good explanation for my color preferences changing so often. Am I alone on this or do others relate more to my grandmother who has practically favored the color turquoise her whole life. Everything she is drawn to is turquoise and she decorates most of her house in that color.

         I am quickly understanding that this is a complex topic to discuss. I am very fascinated by color and will have to come back and dive deeper later in the blogs.

          Until then let us take a moment to think about why your favorite color is your favorite color if you have one at all. What do you think it says about your personality?

For me I feel pink describes: 
A bubbly and positive personality with a love of life and vivid imagination.

                                           Until tomorrow -  Dream Away
                                                   Samantha Menzo
                                                  Cloud Nine Studios

Saturday, July 18, 2015

How To Art While Traveling.

     Hello and what a beautiful day! I have so many things I want to talk about in this blog it's hard to pick and choose what to focus on day to day. Today is the last day I will be in my hometown for the next week! (I know why would anyone start a DAILY blog and then go away for a week) but I will continue posting although the times I post might be inconsistent due to lack of service and time.

ANYWAYS! Tonight I will be packing clothes and other things for my week gone....which started me thinking about I and how other artists pack their art supplies for a trip.

(Image above is a quick little sketch I made when camping last month by the fireside.)

       Creating art while away on vacation is one of my favorite times to use my imagination in a new way! I love my little studio but sometimes getting out of my normal environment and seeing and smelling new things is just the thing my brain needs to explode with creative love!

Some of my traveling art essentials are:

Micron Pens or Fiber Castell
Ultra Fine Tip Colored Sharpie Markers
Hard cover spiral notebook
Mechanical Pencils
Acrylic Paint Markers
Book Light

The great thing about my list of traveling art supplies is that they all fit in a small tote bag that I can keep separate from my luggage and when in a car, plane or even train I have the ability to art it up!

I use to have a hard time with making art or even doodling if I can't finish it or I didn't feel it is living up to the certain standard I try to hold for my work. I have gotten better recently with just making what I can make, where I can make it. Sometimes the silliest doodle marks or ugliest sketches turn into the best ideas! So whether you are at home in your normal art spot or even on an adventure in the woods with a friend, if you feel inspired to create...then CREATE!

(This is not my work but an example of what my painted lady bug rock looked like)

I was just away last weekend for example and I found this perfectly round rock. I reminded me of a cute little lady bug. So I took out my amazing acrylic art markers and painted to entire rock to be just that. I little lady bug. I had unfortunately forgotten to take any pictures as I didn't think it was that great but I made another twin lady bug and gave it to two little girls who were camping with us. They loved them so much that they were inspired to create their own rock creatures!!! We pulled out the crayons and got to work. We had so much fun thinking of what animals certain rocks could be and I was surprised how many they knocked out in such a small time. 

So whether you are already a traveling art pro or just now interested in packing some supplies for the next time you travel.... Art is everywhere and can be made everywhere. You may not even think of who you might inspire by thinking out of the box in a new environment. So I challenge you to bring along your favorite crayons or markers and make art in a new way in a new place!

For those of you who do make art while away, What does your traveling art tote consist of?
What are some of your favorite creations or experiences you have made away from home?

Until Tomorrow - Dream Away!

Samantha Menzo

Friday, July 17, 2015

Create the kind of Art that makes you HAPPY!

       Everything I can remember back to my very first memories, have to do with creating and color. I was very blessed to have been raised by an extremely artistic and expressive mother. She always encouraged my younger brother and I to see things with imaginative minds. I know her influence on me growing up was a huge component of why I see art in everything I do today.

In my life I been dabbled with almost every kind of art I could find. From acting to metals, choir to watercolor, wood burning to glass etching, painting to charcoal, wood working to chalk murals,...I think you get the point. So when I finally switched to a major in painting at Wayne State University in Detroit I really thought I had it figured out. 

Then one day I realized I wasn't feeling fulfilled. I loved art and was excited to create something everyday but I had been putting so much pressure on myself to be the kind of artist I wasn't. I can produce stunning,  realistic,  large paintings on canvas to get into gallery shows, but that's not what makes me happy. Then I asked myself, "what does make me happy?"

One day I was spending some time painting random things around the house when I found a wine bottle, I thought WHAT A CUTE IDEA I WILL PAINT THIS WINE BOTTLE! My mind exploded with so many wonderful ideas for painting this simple piece of recycling I had just laying around. I made sports themed bottles, cute animal cartoon bottles, I even started posting them on Facebook and sure enough people had the same reaction as I did....HOW CUTE!

Once I started to realize I could make money selling my wine bottles I really got inspired. I started understanding that I loved working on non conventional surfaces. I painted benches, cigar boxes, rocks, and raw pieces of wood. It took me a while to give up the idea that I needed to be a gallery artist to be successful because that's what school had taught me. Opening up my ETSY SHOP was my next adventure. It is still a work in progress but I LOVE working on it every day. Listening to new YouTube videos on how to improve my photos or captions.

I want to hear your stories on how you found the Art you LOVE! Haven't found it yet?


Samantha Menzo

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Why Daily Blogs?

     Here we are yet again. Day 2 and I am feeling so excited for where this blog might take me. I want to take today's blog to talk about why I am choosing to do a Daily Blog, which might seem very ambitious to some people. Crazy even.

     I have already mentioned that I am an all or nothing, go big or go home kinda gal. If I intend to give something 50% of my efforts I mostly give 0%. If I intend to give 100% I most likely give 120%. So Setting a goal of blogging everyday was really my only way of trying to make this a successful en devour.

    Studies show that if you do something everyday for 21 days in a row it becomes a habit! I have definitely found this to be true. For example, this month will mark 2 years that I was quit smoking and I can say that after that first 21 days it was easy breezy! If you are trying to quit smoking I highly recommend meditation and yoga, although I do understand the everyone is different and this techniques might not prove helpful for everyone, it sure did the trick for me! I follow yoga girl on Facebook and if you want to get your feet wet with the idea she is a great source of inspiration.

Another huge reason I decided to do a Daily Blog was I have been inspired by a famous YouTube vlogger and his family. "The Shaytards." Shay Carl started out from nowhere in a small town in Idaho and decided to make a Vlog everyday for a year. He has now been vlogging for over 6 years and created a career beyond his wildest dreams doing what he loves. I watch his videos constantly and am always inspired to go above and beyond with everything I do from his example.

So why can't I start a Daily Blog? What's so hard about sitting down for maybe an hour everyday and talking about whatever I want! That sounds pretty appealing to me. 

Before I go I want to let you know about Artists Talking Art! I officially made a Facebook group and have many people who are already very interested in the idea of the group. I have set an event date for our first meet up and couldn't be more excited to get this ball rolling. I will be very open to suggestions and definitely will want this group to morph into whatever it needs to be. I want a group where I can talk about art with others interested in art. 

Hopefully you enjoyed this second blog although I doubt I have anyone reading it just yet. But a girl can dream! 

Samantha Menzo

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

My Very First Blog

        What a scary and exciting thing to do. My first blog post. There are so many things that I can't wait to write about and share with you! I know that this might morph into something different then my initial intention but I would like to take this first post to tell you a little about myself and my goals for this blog!

        My name is Samantha Menzo. I am an artist, Michigander, girlfriend, mother to a pup, roommate, entrepreneur, astrologer, athlete, jack-of-all-trades, and now a BLOGGER! I work at the world's largest glass art gallery Habatat Galleries. I am a social media queen tackling an Etsy shop, Pintrest, Facebook, Instagram, and now Blog, for my business called Cloud Nine Studios which will be included in a good portion of my topics.

So what is this blog about anyway. I thought you'd never ask! 
I want to create a space where I can talk about anything art related that ties into my life. I also want to here from other people on those topics. Basically this is Artists Talking Art. Artists Talking Art is an idea I had very recently driving home from work in rush hour traffic, which I do almost everyday. I love listening to Audio books and am currently listening to Gretchen Rubin's - The Happiness Project. She was talking about when she started her book club for children's literature and how talking with others really inspired her and helped with creating more happiness in her life. Then BAM - LIGHTBULB! Why can't I do the same thing but with Artist Talking Art.

So this blog will be dedicated to Daily...yes i said daily, (I am an all or nothing, go big or go home kind of gal) blogs about anything art and the meet up group I am assembling to talk about Art. 
Interested? I hope so. I would love to hear any questions or topic suggestions along the way and hope that at some point I can make you think differently or even better, inspire you to create and see life in a new light. 

PHEW! I did it! My very first blog. **Tear** I am so proud. 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you return!

Samantha Menzo