Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Catching up! My first Art Fair and inside Cloud Nine Studios!

              Hello Everyone! What a busy little bee I have been lately. I am grateful to have a second to breathe now and catch you all up on how my first art fair went! The Fair was from Friday-Sunday. Friday morning was set up from 9am-11am but when I got there they were still mopping the event space! We ended up only having about an hour and a half for set up which made me STRESS big time. When the event started it was like a ghost town. Friday I went home with $6 in sales. 
I felt very defeated.

Saturday came and I showed up with a positive attitude ready to hustle my stuff! I rearranged my booth a little to help the flow of traffic enter easier and I lowered my prices to see if it made some difference. Thankfully, the amount of people walking around was amazing! I was starting to see which things people were consistently drawn to in my booth and what was selling and not. I left Saturday with breaking even for the fair. I was happy with my decisions and feeling more confident about my work and space. 

Sunday rolled around and going into the day I was already even for the weekend. So anything that I sold was profit. This made it a little easier for me to let go of pieces for an even lower price. At first I was stubborn in my pricing but then I realized I can just make more of them and the more I sold the better I would feel about my first show. The traffic was a little slower again on Sunday but I end up about $100 plus for the weekend. 

(Mikaela and her homemade dog treats)

For my first fair I am extremely proud. My goal was to at least break even and get some great experience and advertising and I ended up in sales. I now know what people are interested in and what works for displaying my pieces and what doesn't work. Selling online is very different then selling in person. I had used a lot of strategies that I would for selling online at first at the fair and quickly realized the differences!

I was able to meet some great artists and people walking through. I handed out a TON of businesses cards and have some possible commissions that I am hoping will follow up! I am so grateful for all the help that my boyfriend George was able to do for me. I am so lucky to have someone who fully supports me and is always there if I need him. Also a HUGE thank you to my room mate Jessica for taking time out of her day off the help me set up! She really kept me in check when I wanted to break down before it even all started. 

My goal this week is to update my Etsy shop and list everything that I photographed before the show so if people decide to find me from my business card that everything is looking up to date and professional! I have a lot of work ahead of me but I feel only good vibes from the whole experience.....except for the parking ticket I got trying to unload my car! Oops. Oh well! 

I should be back on schedule for the blogs now! Be sure to check out my Etsy for all the new items and updates! Also be sure to click the subscribe button on the top right of this page if you liked this blog and want more!

Until Tomorrow - Dream Away
Samantha Menzo

Etsy Featured Item of the Day:

Recycled Sweater Coat- 2XL by - LauraAnnLyon

Song of the Day:
U2 - Beautiful Day

Color of the Day:
Little Angel

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Shipping your Etsy Products. Save money and ship safe!

Hello Hello! Welcome and I hope you all are having a great day so far! Who doesn't love getting packages? I know I do! Most of our regular mail today is all upsetting bills and advertising, but when you get a package it is something wonderful!

With having an Etsy Shop I deal a lot with the topic of packages and shipping. My shop is just starting to take off and in the last few weeks I have been shipping multiple Art Pieces in different mediums and styles. YAY GO ME!

This is the first time I have had to ship anything on a consistent basis and I am realizing how in the dark I am with options and processes of shipping. So I decided to do some research to find out exactly what is out there! I came across this video documentary on YouTube that is a bit long but I was interesting to watch and I can not believe the process it takes to ship a package!

(FedEx and UPS)

Every penny counts when trying to run an online shop and learning how to ship most safely and cost efficient is very important! Ordering your own supplies and packing your items yourself saves BIG! I sent a wine bottle out a few months ago that I had packaged myself and last week sent the same bottle that I had FED-EX packaged for me in person and the cost to ship was more than double! Both packages arrived in great condition, so it really saves to do it yourself!

Something that really helps boost your customer's happiness with the packaging is a personal message or thank you card! It puts that extra love into your package and it has been proven to drastically increase the amount of positive feedback to your Etsy Shop. It's the little things that really matter!

Figuring out how to package and ship your products is mostly a trial by error basis. My main questions that I am still trying to figure out is the differences between using Fed Ex , UPS, and Etsy Shipping Directly. Searching the internet and YouTube for answers have proven a little harder than expected. Already I can say that I prefer FedEx over UPS as far as customer service goes but am unsure at the cost differences. 

It's a learning process and the more I learn the more I will share with all of you! Stick with me and blogs and let's grow together. Also if you are a shipping pro let me know some of your secrets and trips or tricks! Which do you prefer? 

Until Tomorrow - Dream Away
Samantha Menzo

Etsy Featured Item of the Day:

Handmade Rubber Stamp Made With Love Stamp Heart Stamp Wooden Rubber Stamp Handmade Stamps by - PrettyTape

Song of the Day:
Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up to Boston

Color of the Day:
Decatur Bluff, Benjamin Moore, HC-38

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Slow Down and Enjoy the Process.

Hello, hello, hello! I have a feeling today will be a unique blog. I have been fighting a pretty bad migraine since last evening so I am in a different mental space. I wanted to try and get a blog for you guys today regardless and maybe typing can help take away from my focus on the pain. Anyone have any great migraine relief that's natural? I have pretty much tried everything. Hopefully it will be gone by the time you read this, but maybe for next time! ANYWAYS!

Today I figured I would talk about something that seems to be happening in my own life and I think I might be able to avoid it by acknowledging it. OVER DOING IT. This is something I fall victim to far too often. I go, go, go and leave little down time for myself to recoup until my body rejects my efforts to be superwoman and I fall sick.

Now I am not saying I am sick or am going to get sick, but I think this migraine is a warning sign that I need to slow down. How is this relating to art? I am getting there....but let's think just for a second about how fast everything is now. All the pressure of deadlines and due dates, appointments and meetings. Rarely do we take the time to slow our view of things down and focus on what is in front of our faces, instead of what is in the next coming week. I am one of those people but I work to fight it everyday. 

With all of that said, I have been spending every waking moment I can inside my art studio trying to prepare for my very first art fair. I wake up and go to work to come home and go straight to work until the moment I fall asleep. I am determined to be properly prepared and ready! I even worked through a movie my boyfriend and I were watching late at night because I didn't want to waste time just laying there when I could have been working. 

I know that my work process isn't always like this, but I want to remember two things. The First thing is to slow down and have confidence in myself that it is alright to take an hour before bed to read my book to unwind and relax my mind. I don't have to work every single second. The Second thing is to just slow down in general. I am knocking out a lot of great work very quickly but I am missing the those beauty of the process! I had painted three adorable wine bottles yesterday and worked on a wood burned piece that I had started and I barely remember doing it.

For any astrologers out there tomorrow starts another Mercury Retrograde. Click here to learn all about it if you haven't heard of it. Recognizing that I need to relax and slow down to enjoy the process of my art and life, is a great way to start into a new Mercury Retrograde. With that, I will leave you to your peaceful day! 

Until Tomorrow - Dream Away
Samantha Menzo

Etsy Featured Item of the Day:

Sleep Eye Mask - The Fantastic Fox (Orange Burgundy) by - littleoddforest

Song of the Day:
Coldplay - Trouble

Color of the Day:
Benjamin Moore Regal Harbor Haze 2136-60

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Importance of Selling Yourself as an Artist.

      Hello lovely artists. Today's blog is all about you. Who are you? No, not what is your art....WHO are You! Knowing who you are as an artist and human being is KEY for selling your art. Let's dive in today on The Importance of Selling Yourself as an Artist!

     When people buy art, they want to feel a connection to the artwork they are purchasing. What do you mean connect with art?  They may feel a connection emotionally to the subject matter, it may be their favorite color, the piece could have been bought on a special trip or vacation, or maybe even as a gift for someone else they care about. There are so many reasons someone might form a connection with a piece of art. 

      Did you know you can help someone form a connection with your art? The easiest way is by selling YOU. There is a reason why there are so many articles on artists "behind the scenes". People want to know the soul behind the piece. If they feel like they know you, they feel like they know your art and quickly can become connected to it. 

     What if you only sell your artwork online like an Etsy Shop? Just because people might not see you in person doesn't mean selling yourself isn't just as important! In fact, it might be even more important! Anytime you are contacting someone, whether it's another artist or potential client, you have the ability to sell yourself. Come up with a signature that fits you and your art when emailing back or communicating with others regarding your business. How are you promoting your online shop? I am sure that it didn't just happen overnight?

         Promoting yourself and your art is one of the most important topics for having a successful career and I am sure I can write a novel about this subject. But connecting promoting your art with the help of promoting yourself is a tricky topic! There is no fine line with what works or not because everyone is different and will have to find their way that fits themselves. For me, writing is natural and I have an easy time expressing myself, so a BLOG has been a great avenue for promoting.  It is a great way for people to get to know me more personally and see behind the scenes to my art. 

         A blog is a big investment of your time and energy and if you don't want to go down that road there are many different ways to promote yourself and art. Whichever you choose just make sure you are adding your own personality into everything you put out for people to see. If you are a shy minimalist, make sure you are promoting to fit YOU. Odds are your art reflects your personality and if you are promoting yourself in a big flashy way that doesn't feel right, people will be more likely to turn away.

       If you are out in person meeting people for your art, dress the part. When I say dress the part, I don't mean you have to have on jean overalls with dried paint marks all over it. Who are you as an artist? Wear what makes you feel as much of that person as possible. When I say dress the part what I really mean is BE YOU. Trying to dress as someone else or what you think people will want to see isn't going to sell you or your art. Find your style and embrace it and people will be interested in what you have to offer.

      I am always working on promoting myself as the truest me I can. Recently I have stumbled upon an app called Periscope. It's a way to connect with live streaming all over the world. I am able to allow people inside my art studio and to get to know me as an artist. I have already had sales from it. When people listen to me and see a piece being worked on in my studio, they connect with it. Come follow and join me inside my world of art! Periscope: Cloudninestudios

        Who am I? I am an artist. business women, blogger, painter, dog mother, wood burner, jack-of-all trades, handy-woman, girlfriend, lover of all things pink, roommate, outgoing bubbly personality, dreamer, rustic junky, athlete, astrologer, nature goddess, crafter, YouTube addict, and much much more, Thank you for all who already know me and are a part of my life. Thank you for all who are new and I hope to get to know you more. Who are you? Let me know in the comment section below. I can't wait to hear about you and your art!

Until Tomorrow - Dream Away
Samantha Menzo

Etsy Featured Item of the Day:

stay weird, home decor, rustic decor, office decor, quote block, black, quote, customize, personalize, distressed, rustic sign by - DaisyThirteen

Song of the Day:
Audioslave - Be Yourself

Color of the Day:
Benjamin Moore's 'Champion Cobalt' #2061-20

Saturday, September 12, 2015

How to turn your dream into a color scheme - Week 2

YIPPEE it's Friday again! This is the second weekly Friday Dream Scheme post. Friday's blog posts are about one of my dreams that I have had either recently or from past years that I recorded in a journal. Then I make a color scheme to go along with the dream! Here we go!

I haven't had any dreams in the recent past, so I decided to go back in my dream records again and revisit one from my past. This was written in my dream journal dated for 
January 15, 2010

       I had a little monkey friend on my right shoulder the whole dream. He looked like a Capuchin monkey. I was managing to float on top of what seemed like an inner-tube and I was in the middle of the ocean. There was a strange unknown man who was following me but couldn't seem to go fast enough to catch me. He kept shouting warnings to me until we entered an area of the ocean with a few tiny islands only big enough to fit one tree. I paddled my way to the center of the area with my hands and feet and I looked back and saw that the man had stopped. He was looking at something.

        Two huge Orca whales and a dolphin  were coming right for me. I was terrified but out of instinct I grabbed one of their dorsal fins and rode it a ways away and then let go. This feeling of being pulled away by the mammal was euphoric. The whole time the monkey remained on my shoulder. I remember feeling like I would fall off my inner-tube but I managed to stay attached to it. That is all I remember.

Here is my dream color scheme! Each color represents a certain part of the dream or feeling the dream gave me. The first color is the blue that represents the ocean. The second color is a brown-grey I see when I think of the monkey on top my shoulder. The third color tan is the general color I get from the small islands and the following fourth color green is the tops of the single trees. The fifth color of light grey was from the feeling of panic I felt when being chased my the man and feeling like I was fall off my tube. Lastly the sixth and final color represents the intense black of the Orca whales.

This is something anyone can do! Write down your dream and create a color scheme from it. Use it to make a meaningful painting for your bedroom or to pick out your outfit for the day. I believe we have dreams to guide us and show us things that are hiding in our subconscious. This is just one way to use the wonderful information your mind has given to you while asleep. 

It's great when I can look back at a dream journal almost 6 years ago and read a dream and perfectly picture the dream as if you had it last night. My dreams are very precious to me and even more so are my dream journals. I can do so much by just looking at one dream I have had. Color schemes are so much fun and easy to make I really recommend trying it yourself.

It was interesting for me to see how my color scheme from last week and this week compare. They ended up being pretty similar because both dreams has very similar feelings of anxiety and euphoric moments. Very little color but when it was present it was vivid. Which is why the green of the trees ended up being so important. If I was to create a painting from this color scheme I would make sure to use the green as the highlights because it is such a contrast from the others.

(Click for more on this image)

Well we did it again! Another week, another color scheme. How are you guys enjoying it? Has anyone had any dreams that they have written down lately? Have you tried this yourself? Let me know in the comments below and maybe I can make a color scheme of one of your dreams! Don't forget to subscribe and everyone have a wonderfully inspiring day!

Until Tomorrow - Dream Away
Samantha Menzo
Cloud Nine Studios

Etsy Featured Item of the Day:

Burlap pillow, dream pillow by - 112FarmhouseLayne

Song of the Day:
Cranberries - Dreams

Color of the Day: